Termite Prevention Tips for Greenville SC

Termite Prevention Tips for Greenville SC

Termites are the most destructive pests your home will ever face. They can quickly do thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. At Sargent Pest Solutions, we specialize in dealing with termite problems, and we can tell you that the best way to deal with a termite problem is to prevent it. Here are ten things you can do to keep these wood-hungry insects out of your home. termite prevention tips greenville sc

Get Preventive Treatment

Step one in termite prevention is simple: Have Greenville’s trusted pest control company complete a preventive termite treatment. We can create a termite bond with you for long-term pest service, giving you peace of mind about your termite treatment cost. Our products are available only to specially-trained professional pest control technicians. They’ll control termites where over-the-counter products fail. Each application will provide long-term control of your termite risk by creating a barrier in the soil around your home. Termite colonies may approach your home, but they won’t cross the barrier.

Eliminate Nearby Wood

Cellulose, the fiber found in wood and paper, is a termite’s only food source. The more wood and paper they find outside your home, the larger the termite e colonies will become. Eventually they’ll explore far enough to find your house, tearing into the wood in huge numbers and quietly doing an incredible amount of damage. You can reduce the risk of these invasions by removing wood from the area around your house. Keep firewood stacked at least 25 feet away from your home and remove piles of brush and scrap lumber.

Keep Soil Away from Wood

The open air is too dry for a termite. It must stay in the moisture of the soil in order to stay alive. If the distance from the soil to wood on your home is too far, the colony will not be able to get there. Check all around your foundation, porch posts, and deck supports for any location where soil is less than 18 inches away from wood. If you find such a situation, check on your options for pulling soil back or replacing the wooden components with masonry, concrete, or other cellulose-free materials.

Eliminate Access

Your hard work at keeping soil away from wood is only as good as what you do to eliminate access through other openings. Many homes have holes through the foundation for ventilation or utility access. Make sure that all these openings are thoroughly sealed with durable caulk. Check them every year or two to make sure the caulk is intact. If these spaces begin to open at all, you may quickly see mud tunnels built to connect them to the soil. Once those tunnels develop, it’s time to contact a pest company.

Improve Gutter Drainage

As a longtime Greenville exterminator service, we can tell you that another big part of the soil problem is moisture. Dry soils are far less conducive to colony growth than wet soils, and gutter runoff is a common source of soil moisture. Examine your downspouts. If they do not discharge water away from the house, make the necessary changes to get the water away from your house. If your gutters overflow, clean them out and get them leveled up so that water flows quickly to the downspouts.

Monitor for Warning Signs

Early detection can save the day with termite problems. Keep an eye out for any signs of pest problems. This could be tiny piles or trails of sawdust around baseboards. Outside the home, you may see bubbling of the paint on wooden surfaces. This is evidence that there is a termite colony at work in the wood behind the paint. Any soft or rotted wood should be examined for signs of pests as well, and if you detect any signs of termites in house, contact Greenville’s trusted termite control service.

Stop Water Leaks

South Carolina has plenty of rainfall each year to keep the soil moist around your home. You don’t need to make it any worse by ignoring water problems. Condensation from air conditioners should be piped away from the house to reduce the moisture in the soil. Keep an eye on outdoor spigots and hoses to make sure there are no leaks contributing to soil moisture. Set up the hose area in a way that helps water drain away from the foundation.

Maintain Trim & Weatherstripping

Another important step is to keep the wood in the home dry. Trim and weatherstripping are often damaged by lawnmowers. The age of materials can also contribute to their failure. Monitor all these important trim materials. If they begin to fall away, water will get behind your siding or brick, creating a moist environment where a termite colony can easily thrive.

Check Your Roof

Here’s more good advice on water management from the best pest management company in Greenville SC. The condition of your roof is as important for termite control as it is for preventing water damage. Every drop that finds its way into your home can support colony growth. Keep an eye on the shingles, ridge vents, sewer vents, and drip edge. If you see any loose or damaged areas, repair them immediately. The drier you keep your home, the lower your risk of falling victim to a termite e infestation.

Listen to Neighbors

As an experienced termite control company in Greenville SC, we know how common termite problems are. If you see an exterminator visiting other homes in your neighborhood, consider contacting us to get a termite inspection for yourself. Colonies expand and move through entire neighborhoods one house at a time–if they haven’t already invaded every single property. When your neighbors have problems, you may be next.

Preventing a termite problem isn’t hard. Just follow these tips and take advantage of the knowledge and skills we have at Sargent Pest Solutions. We’ve been Greenville’s trusted pest control company since 2005. To find out more about our termite solutions, visit our website or just give us (864) 915-5555. Let us take control of your pest problems.

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